Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Blood Pressure's Up!

It's probably not just that I'm busy all the time, but I've got high blood pressure. I just bought a handy wrist blood pressure device at Walgreens and it told me so. The numbers are too high. So much for salty treats and candy at 10 p.m. I know what I have to do and now it's time to do it (again). Better eating, here we come.

I wrote about healthy salad eating the other day, but now it has to be EVERY day. It's amazing how dropping 10 pounds lowers your numbers.

High blood pressure is a problem, because it wears out the walls of your arteries and veins and makes it easier for you to have a stroke or a heart attack. It's just plain physics, really. So, I have to start remembering the big goal--live long and healthy--over the short term one--satisfy craving for french fries or candy. Not easy.

There are many ways to eat better, and I'll be exploring them now. The DASH Diet is a leading way to do it. Here goes!

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