Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Classic Cars to Help Returning Vets Reintegrate

I just heard about this great idea in the newsletter of American Collectors Insurance, the company that insures my 1956 Nash Metropolitan. The Road Home is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded by a group of compassionate and generous automotive enthusiasts to connect returning veterans with social, training and employment opportunities. Think of all those old cars that need help, including my own (!) and it's a fantastic idea.

The network connects returning sailors, soldiers and airmen with any shops that are ready to put them to work. Here's what they say on their website:

We believe the automotive restoration industry is uniquely qualified to help provide social, training, and employment opportunities to returning American veterans of war. These individuals have skills and a strong work ethic, and many are struggling to get back to normal after life in the service.

What a great way to help those who take care of us to integrate back into civilian life.

Spread the word.

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