Sunday, December 11, 2011

Doug's Place for Sunday Breakfast

Nothing says Sunday morning than a nice hearty breakfast that you don't make yourself. Yeah, we have eggs in the refrigerator, coffee beans in a bag and can buy and cook bacon, but sometimes, we'd rather let Doug's Place do it for us.

Doug's is a friendly local non-chain that has lots of movie posters, team sponsor group photos and other memorabilia along its walls (I especially like one early photos of Marilyn Monroe). The staff is very efficient and professional and the service is quick, friendly and accurate. The stacks of bacon are profoundly more than any one person needs and you know there are at least three eggs in that pile of scrambled.

I like the Number 6--two plate-sized pancakes, plus an entire plateful of bacon and eggs. When I commented on the scale of the servings our waiter said it could be "breakfast and lunch." I think he's right. I never finish everything.

I remember going out to a place similar to this (minus the old movie photos) as a child of 5 or 6 and it was always fun. I'm probably reliving this now at Doug's but what's not to like? Back to a bowl of quinoa with almonds and dried blueberries tomorrow.

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