Sunday, September 25, 2011

Two Moms in the Raw - Good for You

I was looking for a healthy snack the other day. I passed on the candy aisle, but near the check-out I found a Two Moms in the Raw Gojiberry Granola bar. Later, back at work, I nibbled at it during the afternoon and it did the trick.

What I learned on their website is that the founder, Shari, was diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis in 2004 and decided that a raw food diet would be the best path to healing. She was making great recipes and at some point, it got too expensive to just give it away. So she started her company.

Two Moms in the Raw makes and sells cereal, chia bars, granola, nut bars and sea crackers. All of it is tasty and good for you.

I guess I don't have to give up snacks--just the bad ones.

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