Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day - Sunday No. 2

It's just past dinnertime on Labor Day. Yes, I was lucky enough to have the day off, but my son is working. That's retail for you. If Labor Day honors workers, then someone has to serve the workers who have the day off. The Italian restaurant is open, too, so I was able to secure three generous servings of lasagna.

Not a religious observation, the holiday started in 1882 and has always been associated with parties and rest--and it's the symbolic end of Summer, especially for schoolkids. I remember starting school immediately following Labor Day, but these days they seem to be beginning in late August. Must be those extra teacher in service days.

It's the start of college and NFL football, something that interests me exactly zero. However, I think I'm in the minority. This also is the time of year when the new cars normally are introduced--something much more interesting to me. I still recall going to the dealers' back lots on my bicycle right about the time school started to see if I could glimpse a dusty, just-off-the-truck Ford Galaxie or Chevrolet Impala.

I played three hours of Beatles songs with my friend Frank today. That seem like a great way to celebrate Labor Day.

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