Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Why I Love Trader Joe's

I just got back from a quick shopping trip to Trader Joe's. We go there frequently, for items such as dried unsalted almonds and $4.99 La Ferme Julien French wine--the bottle with the goat on it. But tonight was an example of the way to do customer service right.

First of all, we found parking near the door. It was an hour before closing, but still, having a decent lot helps. We saw a cute face on a sign selling something (fruit?) on the way in that made us smile. There are lots of great signs at Trader Joe's.

Once inside, there's always a little room to stretch out and a check out a special before tackling the fruit and nuts section. Nice looking bananas meant grabbing a few, and some organic strawberries. We got the almonds we came for.

I exclaimed over a tempting display of cream soda and then turned the corner to find a package marked "Peanut Butter Goodies." These are peanut butter cookies with chocolate and nuts--and the box teases with photos of four phases of assembly. As we admired it, a friendly employee, in his casual TJ T-shirt, shorts and sandals, came up and offered us a sample. "Sure," we said, and he cut open a box and offers us one. YUM! Sold--we took a box.

We found a nice supply of the lemon kitchen soap we like and grabbed one, then got some lemonade for drinking--two kinds--and found the goat wine, neatly set out and ready to grab.

We went towards the registers and were invited right away into a checkout line. The nice young man asked us what we were doing tonight and we told him--and had a pleasant conversation about Buffalo Bill's Brewery--the place we'd had dinner. We discussed favorite beers they make there. TJ sells them in bottles--another future sale made.

I like the store--the old photos on the wall showing views of the famous corner on which TJ stands today. I like the public domain illustrations they use on their shopping bags. I like the music they play there. The last I heard as I left was the Tremeloes.

That's customer service. I assume I'll be back again and again. I always leave feeling better and completely satisfied with my purchases. What more could a business want than that?

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