Sunday, August 7, 2011

City Sunday

I got up early today--a Sunday--to take my son into the City for an orientation session for his new job--as a model at the flagship Northern California store of Abercrombie & Fitch. Yes, it's exciting--for us as parents to have a son who has a job (number of hours uncertain) and also that is in a field he is interested in.

While he sat with his A&F folks, his mother and I had a fine brunch of delicately prepared omelets and giant bowl lattes at Cafe de la Presse, and then wandered about in the foggy morning air before the stores opened. Haven't done that for a while. My wife and I remarked on the buildings that seem to have different tenants every time we're there. Then there are the corners that got demolished and replaced 10 years ago--or 30. But it stills feels like home, even when you're surrounded by visitors from all over the world.

Sights and sounds of San Francisco. Tourists lined up to ride on the open top bus tours--or the cable car. Homeless people twitching and fidgeting while they ask for spare change. Another street construction project. Amazingly over-the-top chandeliers and artwork at the gateway to Chinatown. This little kitty in a restaurant window:

I sense another step in my family maturing as we share a morning together. Before long (we all hope) our baby will be on his own, moving in a direction that matters to him. Then, as empty nesters, we may move back into the City (if we can afford it).

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