Saturday, July 2, 2011

Hybrid Trucks and Fascinating Truckdrivers

Yesterday, as I walked between the post office and my bank, I came upon a shiny new Pepsi delivery truck. Across its tall hood was the word "HYBRID." Apparently, Pepsi is using new hybrid diesel/electric heavy duty trucks from Freightliner. In this industrial application, the electric motor saves fuel and the regenerative braking prolongs brake life. Here's some information from another Pepsi distributor's hybrid efforts in central Florida.

It's a start. I wonder when the first all-electric industrial truck will make its debut--and who will make it?

The friendly truck driver, Javier, and I got into a conversation about the hybrid. Then, he noticed my music-themed tattoo, and we then talked about his ink--same place on the left arm--and he had more. Then we got into discussing music, and it turns out he's interested in Flamenco guitar. He's also, apparently, well read in philosophy. Never prejudge those around you! I didn't want to keep him from his work, as the end of the day was approaching so we parted ways. But here were two surprises in just a short time, and I had made a new friend, too.

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