Sunday, July 17, 2011

Found the Farmer's Market

If I keep writing about food here it can be my "fourth half," after music, cars, and "other."

I was driving home from buying a doggie toothbrush and toothpaste at the Pet Food Express yesterday when I saw the Castro Valley Farmer's Market. Why not go grab some good-for-me food, I thought.

This Farmer's Market is not the largest in the world, but it does have a range of exciting options. I took home juicy, ripe peaches, plums, blackberries and strawberries, three freshly made (and frozen) chicken pot pies, a seriously healthful loaf of whole-wheat bread and a box of gorgeous brownies and blackberry squares. I gave the man with the steel drum a dollar for the pleasant ambiance. I might have grabbed some hummus but I'm the only one who likes it at home.

It really makes sense to eat these good things. I'll have to try to remember to come more often. The fresh produce puts Safeway's to shame. If I'm at all serious about working with the MyPlate eating suggestions I really need to.

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