Saturday, June 11, 2011

Mountain Tamer -- Youthful Rock

I was just stepping into Panama Red in Concord to get a cup of coffee when I met Andrew. He saw my bass tattoo and we discussed our ink. He had a detailed gramophone on his right arm, a gorgeous Canadian maple leaf on his chest near his heart, a long tableau of a night sky on his left shin, and a few smaller ones.

In any case, as he prepared a latte for me, the 19-year-old musician told me enthusiastically about his band, Mountain Tamer, and gave me his cd demo of four songs (pictured). It contained just over 12 minutes of surging, jangling songs, featuring guitar, bass and drums, with some vocals not unlike those of Robert Plant or Jim Morrison. It isn't the music I normally listen to, but it was pleasing in an intense way. It surely would entertain a group of young men and women in a club--not for dancing, but for setting the right mood. Urgent, yet laid back. Nothing sounded amiss or out of place for a band that is just playing its first gig.

There's a lot of music out there for the listening. I feel like I'm 19 myself when I pick up the bass and play with my band. And Andrew, who's about the same age as my younger son, and I shared something today.

You can find Mountain Tamer on SoundCloud. I learned about this exciting music site from Andrew, too.

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