Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hooked on Game of Thrones (the Book)

The first time I heard of George R.R. Martin was in a long article about him in the New Yorker. It talked about how his fans were desperate for the next book in his popular series, A Song of Ice and Fire. Well, now that I'm on page 378 of book one I can understand their frustration.

Game of Thrones is the kind of book that you find yourself reading while waiting in line at Safeway, or before bed, or at lunch. You make time for it, and begrudge the "wastes of time" like emptying the dishwasher. It's great to find a series that takes your attention and pulls you into an alternative world of adventure.

The last time I did this was when I read through all seven Harry Potter books a few summers ago.

The story is now on TV, too, but I'm not going to watch until I've read all the books first.

Updates as they happen. I have to get back to reading now...

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