Thursday, May 26, 2011

Russian Classical Concert Sunday

This Sunday, the Castro Valley Chamber Orchestra takes the stage again to play a concert of Russian classical music. Besides exciting works by Mussorgsky (the famous Pictures at an Exhibition) and Borodin (Symphony No. 2) we'll be playing a few stimulating pieces with Grigoriy Krumik, who's bringing his bayan. A bayan is a button accordion and Grigoriy is a master of it.

Rehearsing for a show takes time and effort. We've been meeting for 2+ hours every Tuesday night since September, and I just got back from the "dress rehearsal" -- an extra two hours to go through the concert selections again. Even on concert day we won't be perfect--but that's what's great about being amateurs.

I love every minute I spend with my fellow musicians--since my start on January 2, 2007. I'm sure I'll be back for more next Fall.

If you're in the vicinity at 2 p.m. on Sunday, here's concert information. Like the Castro Valley Chamber Orchestra on Facebook, too!

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