Thursday, April 7, 2011

Quasar Microwave 1990-2011 RIP

A moment of silence for a great warrior and comrade, our aged Quaser microwave, who gave up the ghost this morning with a cold bowl of quinoa in its belly. Last night, it heated up the green beans and meatballs for our dinner in its last act of service.

We bought this top-of-the-line, full-size oven from Friedman's, a microwave specialist store, when we moved into our first home in 1990. At the time, it was the best on the market--all touch screen. We had a few dollars to spend and wanted to start out right. It has served us without complaint or problem for 21 years.

It's hard to explain it, but we are sad about our reliable appliance giving up the ghost. It's reasonable to expect an electrical device to last 10 years, but 21 is really pretty heroic. (I do have a clock radio that's still going after 43 years, but that's another story). I doubt if one of today's models will exhibit such longevity.

Actually, the timer still works--I'm using it to time the coffee this morning. It just beeped.

We bought our Quasar when our marriage was young (before our son arrived) and it has seen him through high school. Actually, he may be the most upset, considering the range of quick meals and snacks he runs through it regularly.

We will need to replace our reliable old friend quickly, but, having never shopped for a microwave all these years, we have no idea what's out there--or how much it will cost.

Here's a post from someone else who had a long happy association with their Quasar microwave.