Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bach, Schubert, Mendelssohn and David

I just got back from an enjoyable evening of classical music, made all the more special because I shared it with my son. We took in the March concert by the New Century Chamber Orchestra.

The group is made up of 18 string players who play together as an orchestra, presenting a program in four San Francisco Bay Area locations four times a year. This was the last night--and took place in the Osher Marin Jewish Community Center.

We heard Johann Sebastian Bach's Violin Concerto in E major, which is just the kind of pretty, energetic music that anyone would call "classical." The second part was Franz Schubert's Lieder (songs) featuring Melody Moore singing a powerful and gorgeous soprano part. After the intermission we heard Felix Mendelssohn's Octet in E-flat major, which was another aural delight.

After the concert, we went off for a fine dining experience at Ristorante La Toscana in San Rafael. The Gnocchi with red meat sauce was rich, and after we shared a chocolate mousse torte, both of us waddled away from the table, stuffed. Thanks, son!

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